Milt Albright Director's Guild Award and Disneyland Business Cards (1982) - ID: aug22220

Milt Albright Director's Guild Award and Disneyland Business Cards (1982) - ID: aug22220 Disneyana


Image Size: 
3"x2.5"x3.5", 2"x3.5"
Price: $150.00
SKU: aug22220

A collection of Milt Albright's personal effects. The collection includes an award from the Director's Guild of America from March 13, 1982, two Magic Kingdom Club business cards, and ten Disneyland business cards. Milt Albright worked in the payroll department of the Disney Company for many years and founded the Magic Kingdom Club in 1961. The award measures 3"x2.5"x3.5" tall with the business cards measuring 2"x3.5". The set is in very good condition.

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